9 Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier

At this time of the year, I guess we all wind down and have a look back at the year we’ve just had and think about what we could have done better. It’s also a time for us to look ahead to next year and see if there are ways we could improve over what we did this year.


I know I have plenty of things to change. One of mine is to plan better so I don’t continually feel that I don’t have time to do things. I also need to be thankful for the things I have. I’m surrounded by wonderful friends and family. Some of my family are still sleeping peacefully while I know others will have been up at the crack of dawn.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas Day. I hope these 9 habits will help to make a good year, great….


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PWC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey

You can download it here

It’s an interesting read. One part in particular relates to the shortage of talent available. This has been an issue for a long time and perhaps it’s a reflection on the existing education systems not changing to meet the rapidly changing world.

One of the common themes throughout was the need for innovation to remain a priority across all industries.

I’d be interested to know your views on what you think the main issues facing your business are…..

15th Annual Global CEO Survey: Delivering results – Growth and value in a volatile world: PwC.

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Los Angeles hotels concierge challenge

I don’t know about you but I’ve always found LA to be a bit overpowering and just immense.

We usually spend only a night or two there at either end of a trip, preferring to explore other parts of the country. After reading?this article?though, I think I’ll have more of a look around LA next time.

What do you do when you’re in LA?

3 hotel concierges suggest the best things to do in Los Angeles

The freeways go on forever


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Shuttle Endeavour: A piece of space history flies by in slow motion

Twice we’ve been to Florida for a space shuttle launch and both times it was postponed beyond the time we could extend our stay. Last time, they scrapped the launch about 5 minutes after we arrived at the Space Center. Very disappointing.

It’s still hard to believe that the shuttle program is finished.



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