I am a partner in UltraFast Communications, based in Brisbane.
“We provide complete IT and communications solutions to businesses”.
I am also a keen motorcyclist that rides a blue and white GSX1400 Suzuki at every opportunity.
I’m also a technophile and I enjoy the instant news and updates that are available to us now on social media. The breadth and depth of the articles that come to me every day are astounding and I’ll pass the best ones through to you on here.
Please don’t be hesitant about subscribing to the blog. Your email address will never be passed to anyone and you’re never going to have sales pitches forced on you. Please leave feedback as often as you can and feel free to suggest content if you find something noteworthy that you’d like to share.
The views written here are entirely my own and may sometimes be controversial. Usually they won’t be but I thought I should prewarn you anyway.